I can't change the skin colour of the LX4 (Master Skinnerz Template). How is it possible. (I use Paint Shop Pro 9). If i use colour fill (top layer selected) the whole screen goes black apart from something.
I've seen a few skins now with personalised racing numbers on the doors (like numbers with the lfs logo on top of them) and I was wondering how or where to get them from. I tried google but it was no use so please can I have some assistance?
I park and if i set the Activate speed to 0,5 or less it goes off without me moving. over 0.5 it doesnt go off if i move at 10mph. also at top it says insim not connected and the car speed doesnt show up.
I don't understand how to set it up. I got relax started up lfs did the insim 29999 thing and then started up relax. On LFS it said InSim : password does not match your multiplayer admin password. Then on relax it said Warning:Error loading ./PB or file does not exist yet.
Why is this?
Thanks in advance
PS Im not a very techno person so i don't understand half the notepad stuff so can you explain it in non-techno language please
I've tried it on a cruise server and it works REALLY well although it's a bit unrealistic . In a real auto car when you touch the gas pedal it revs but doesn't move much (unless you've got like a V8 or something ). In first gear in RL say you rev to 2000RPM you're going like 10MPH. Then you keep the revs there and it slowly goes quicker until the revs build up and it changes gear. I'm not sure that happens in all auto cars but...... Anyway, nice program. It must've been hard to program it so 10/10 from me Could need a bit of tweaking here and there but its AMAZING altogether. Nice program
Sorry if i haven't explained the RL auto gearbox very well :thumbsdow:
I need help making a skin. I have paint shop pro 8 and whenever i choose default RB4 skin from DDS skins it says 'The specified file cannot be identified as a supported type'. Can I have some help please on how to open this file.
Sorry but I haven't had time to fish around on the forums so if there is another thread like this please post on thread
Hi, sorry if im being a bit demanding here but does anyone know when the VWS is coming out. The devs said it would be out just after Christmas and now we are 3 months past it. If anyone knows can you please tell me?Again sorry if im being a bit annoying.
I went on youtube and saw a Ferrari F40 in LFS. Then i saw a bus made out of a XFG. Then i saw a Skoda. 1 was called LFS tease and the other LFS teaser. (Bus one was called all aboard).How do you
get different cars and buses?